Record short videos with explanations and share them with a single link. Works in Chrome, records anything
Simple screen recording tool
No credit card required
Learn to structure your videos
Get the full scoop on how to use screen sharing software for different tasks and learn to structure your thoughts and ideas with Shortcast Use Cases
Turn your smartphone as a prompter
Scan the QR-code and get the script on your device
Keep it short
Pick the best video length for your explanations and keep your viewers engaged
Up to 1 min
Bug report
Share your feedback
Up to 5 min
Onboarding topics
Documents overview
Preparation for the meeting
Up to 10 min
Training and walkthroughs
Design overview
Presentation overview
Instant recording
Shortcast Google Chrome extension helps you deliver everything that matters in just a couple of clicks
Simple and user-friendly interface
Why do I need to go short?
Short and sweet is a safe strategy. Assume that your viewers are busy. Short videos get straight to the point, which helps them hold your viewer’s attention
How do I start?
It takes less than a minute to sign up and start recording with Shortcast Free plan. No credit card required
How does it fit my business?
Start sharing your ideas and explanations immediately or use our cheat sheet to find the relevant use case that fits your needs
What can I record?
Despite Shortcast runs on Chrome, it allows you to record anything on your screen. The system lets you decide before the recording starts